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The first visit

Wonderful that you are considering a visit to Narcosis Dental. We look forward to getting to know you. Here's a breakdown of the steps we'll take from your registration so you'll know exactly what to expect.

The Intake
During the intake visit (+/- 40 minutes), we welcome you to our ambient practice. Together with you, we discuss complaints and wishes. Our team does not judge and makes sure you feel at ease. 

At the end of the appointment, we have a good idea of the treatments needed and your wishes in this regard. We talk about the costs and schedule an appointment for the anesthetic treatment. Only if you want it, of course, because the intake appointment is free of obligations.

The intake doesn't involve any instruments. We only use an X-ray and a mirror. 


  • Please bring your identification to this appointment.
  • Keep in mind a cost of up to €211.20 for this intake (if recent photos are available, this amount may be lower).
Feel free to let us know if you have any questions or specific preferences.

At Narcose Dental:
