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Frequently Asked Questions

We can imagine that you might have questions about how anesthesia treatment works. Below, you'll find the most frequently asked questions. If your question isn't listed here, feel free to call or email us; we're here to help.


It is possible to undergo anesthesia at the dentist. Narcose Dental specializes in dental treatments while you sleep.

There are various reasons to undergo anesthesia at the dentist. For example, (extreme) fear of the dentist, fear of needles, a strong gag reflex, or insensitivity to anesthetics. Additionally, certain treatments, such as tooth extractions or wisdom teeth removal, are preferably done under anesthesia.

For dental treatments under anesthesia, the same (nationally established) rate applies as for regular dentistry. If you have dental insurance, these costs will be reimbursed depending on your insurance coverage.

There are additional costs associated with anesthesia. At Narcose Dental, we apply an initial fee of 350 euros for a short treatment. After that, we charge 175 euros per 30 minutes. Prior to the treatment, we create a personalized treatment plan for you, free of obligation, so you are aware of the costs involved.

Annually, dental care rates are nationally set, meaning that all dental practices apply the same rates for a given treatment.

Benieuwd naar jouw persoonlijke behandelplan? Dit werken we graag voor je uit tijdens een vrijblijvende intake. Register of klik here for an overview of the parking rates.

Anesthesia treatment at the dentist consists of two parts: dental treatments and anesthesia. Like a regular dental treatment, dental treatments under anesthesia are covered if you are insured. The fee for anesthesia is not covered by insurance and must be paid separately.

Benieuwd naar jouw persoonlijke behandelplan? Dit werken we graag voor je uit tijdens een vrijblijvende intake. Register of klik here for an overview of the parking rates.

This depends on the treatment plan and any personal preferences. But in almost all cases, treatments can be completed in one session.

Benieuwd naar jouw persoonlijke behandelplan? Dit werken we graag voor je uit tijdens een vrijblijvende intake. Register of klik here for an overview of the parking rates.

The duration of anesthesia treatment depends on the complexity of the procedure. On average, you can expect around 2 hours. We will provide you with an estimate of the expected duration of your treatment in advance.

Ja, narcose zonder prikken is mogelijk. Normaal wordt de narcose (Totaal Intraveneuze Anesthesie / TIVA) toegediend met een injectie. Maar voor bijvoorbeeld een naaldenfobie is het mogelijk om eerst in te slapen met een inhalatiemasker. Wij gebruiken hiervoor Sevoflurane (geen lachgas). Na het in slaap brengen schakelen we over op TIVA zonder dat je hiervan iets merkt.

Generally, you need to be healthy enough to undergo anesthesia. Consider a BMI of up to 35 (with exceptions) and blood pressure within the normal range for anesthesia. It is usually possible to undergo anesthesia without a significant medical history.

We thoroughly prepare you for anesthesia treatment by providing detailed instructions beforehand. This includes things like staying fasting before the treatment and any necessary adjustments to medication. 

Since we use short-duration anesthesia, you can usually go home quickly. Expect about 15 minutes to recover after the treatment. It's important that someone drives you home after the treatment. Also, make sure someone is at home to support you if needed. Take it easy for the first 24 hours after the treatment. Consider taking the day off or planning a rest day.

After anesthesia treatment, you cannot drive home yourself. The effects of anesthesia can last for some time, and it is important not to drive within the first 24 hours after the treatment. Make sure a friend or family member picks you up and drives you home.

After anesthesia, you may experience side effects such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, drowsiness, and confusion. These side effects are usually temporary and disappear within a few hours after the treatment. Due to the breathing tube placed in the nose, there may be some irritation, which typically resolves on its own within a few days. Also, be aware of possible post-treatment pain, for which the dentist will prescribe pain medication. We provide you with a direct phone number after the treatment, so you can reach us day and night if you have any questions. We prioritize thorough post-treatment care to ensure your peace of mind.

Anesthesia (Total Intravenous Anesthesia / TIVA) is administered through an injection. In case of a fear of needles, it is possible to initially fall asleep with an inhalation mask. We use Sevoflurane for this purpose. After inducing sleep, we switch to TIVA without you noticing.

After the treatment, you may experience some pain or discomfort, depending on the nature of the procedure. We may prescribe pain medication and provide advice on what to do if you experience discomfort. Following the instructions is crucial for a comfortable recovery. After your treatment, we give you a direct phone number to reach us day and night. Thorough post-treatment care is essential to ensure your peace of mind.

At Narcose Dental:
